MeerKAT Antenna. Credit: SKA SA
The industrial outreach activity is intended to enable businesses in general, from industry to SMEs and entrepreneurs, to be engaged in SKA-GENESIS and thus in the SKA project at large and their scientific and technological challenges.
There are different approaches in the engagement process which targets companies (e.g., industry days, conferences, participation to fairs).
However, new typology of activities applying innovative methodologies derived from other areas (e.g., barcamp, hackaton, experential laboratory) and customized for the business audience, should be developed and implemented to increase the participation of the productive sectors to the events.
New approaches enhance the opportunities for the contact and the promotion of the project and key programmes to the industrial world at large beyond the industries and commercial contracts already involved through organizations. Moreover, they allow at a more local level networking and collaboration opening the way for benefit of EU regional funds for research and innovation.
GENESIS-SKA sbarca a Genova con la Realtà Virtuale
Presentato al Festival della Scienza di Genova il progetto di Realtà Virtuale che ti immerge nel futuro Square Kilometre Array in Sud Africa.
Ad accompagnarti in questa avventura CicerOne, un simpaticissimo Robottino molto intelligente!
Intervista a una dei responsabili del progetto, Stefania Varano, by MEDIAINAF